Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Friday, May 16, 2008

Why I Lost the Contest

It isn't fair. The other kids had more time than me and they have faster computers. If I had a faster computer my entry would have been even better than theirs. None of the judges liked me. I bet they're all Democrats and were prejudiced against me. They were too stupid to understand me anyway. If they could understand me I would have won. They didn' t even try. One of them was a minority. You know how prejudiced they all are. Everyone was against my topic. I guess they think it wasn't politically correct enough. But I have too many principles to pander to them. I'm the real winner. Oh, yes, I am.

1 comment:

  1. He didn't even mention all the people he says are turning the book upside down or hiding it in stores.
