Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ann Althouse Trolls National Enquirer for Information

Ann "Onion Ring" Althouse links to a Mickey Kaus post in the NRO (naturally) that quotes our newspaper of record, the supermarket tabloid National Enquirer. This same periodical also reported Laura Bush moved out of the White House and is divorcing George W., which seems to have escaped Ann's eagle eye. Perhaps she ate out that week instead of buying groceries and missed the news. Perhaps her attention was absorbed by a particularly tasty candy bar in the check-out aisle, or she searched for new blades for her Lady Schick instead. No, she did note a report in the Globe, and said, "It's so freaky!" I guess tabloids are silly when they report on Republicans, and bastions of truth when they report on Democrats.

Despite her protestations to the contrary, it's clear that Althouse is in the tank for McCain. Not that it matters. Times are changing; the shifting of power clearly leans towards the Democrats, and columnists who spent years praising Republicans and slamming Democrats will have to reverse their positions if the want to stay employed.


  1. We all know that Mickey Kaus blows goats. At least that is what I heard, and it would be irresponsible to speculate otherwise.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I deleted that last comment not because I disagreed with anything I actually said, but because I noticed I had a typo. I didn't realize that it would actually show up as deleted.

    Never mind, it wasn't worth it anyway....

    I'll be back when I can think of something actually, you know, useful.

  4. Is it wrong of me to find it totally hilarious that the blog ad that shows up in your "onion ring" link to Althouse's site is for some sexed-up Pamela Anderson video? Maybe it's their comparative levels of intelligence that advertisers thought would appeal to Althouse readers?

  5. The goat-blowing prowess of Kaus is, indeed, very well known.

    Typos are a way of life for me, Zeppo.

    Yes, CP, especially since Althouse says her main beef with Feministing is their use of the mud-flap girl icon.
