Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Monday, July 14, 2008

Now Watch This Swing

Think Progress reports Bush will attend a McCain golfing fundraiser with his parents.

In May, President Bush revealed that he had given up playing golf because of the Iraq war. “I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal,” said Bush. Apparently though, he’s fine with golf as long as it raises money for GOP candidates.

The DC Examiner reports that next Monday, Bush’s parents will be hosting a high-dollar golfing fundraiser for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) near their home in Kennebunkport, ME....

Of course Bush's parents will golf during our wars. They went golfing the day after their three-year-old daughter died. According to his autobiography and other biographies, Bush loved Robin very much and was devastated at her death, which was mostly ignored by the family. Just try to imagine the repression necessary to do that, and you can see how GW Bush is able to shrug at death.

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