Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Megan Lives!

I found these really freaky sunglasses in the trash, and when I put them on I had the strangest experience. I was reading Megan McArdle's blog and saw the following:
In deflationary times, the last thing you want to do is keep the staple food commodity of your nation's poor at artificially high levels,even if that does help the farmers.

Then I happened to put on the sunglasses and it said this instead:
In deflationary times, the first thing you want to do is keep the financial system of your nation's rich at artificially high levels, even if that does help the bankers.

Megan without sunglasses:
History really is written by the winners.

Megan with sunglasses:
History really is written by me.

Without sunglasses:
But if we think people should marry, and shouldn't cohabit, than shame is a much better way to get there than giving people stupid marriage classes, paying them to get married, or making it illegal for unmarried people to rent an apartment.

But if we think other people should marry, and other people shouldn't cohabit, than shame is a much better way for other people to get there than giving me stupid marriage classes, paying some poor person to get married, or making it illegal for me to rent an apartment.

Most of the people who have been angrily emailing me have treated the question of make work jobs as if it were a referendum on government spending.

Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!.

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