Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It Never Had A Chance

Matt Taibbi states the obvious:
The reason a real health-care bill is not going to get passed is simple: because nobody in Washington really wants it. There is insufficient political will to get it done. It doesn’t matter that it’s an urgent national calamity, that it is plainly obvious to anyone with an IQ over 8 that our system could not possibly be worse and needs to be fixed very soon, and that, moreover, the only people opposing a real reform bill are a pitifully small number of executives in the insurance industry who stand to lose the chance for a fifth summer house if this thing passes.

It won’t get done, because that’s not the way our government works. Our government doesn’t exist to protect voters from interests, it exists to protect interests from voters. The situation we have here is an angry and desperate population that at long last has voted in a majority that it believes should be able to pass a health care bill. It expects something to be done. The task of the lawmakers on the Hill, at least as they see things, is to create the appearance of having done something. And that’s what they’re doing. Personally, I think they’re doing a lousy job even of that. I lauded Roddick for playing out the string with heart, and giving a good show. But these Democrats aren’t even pretending to give a shit, not really. I mean, they’re not even willing to give up their vacations.

The elite never intended to pay for our health care. Corporations are eliminating retiree health care and eventually will eliminate all health care if the recession lingers long enough. What will people do--get other jobs, in a jobless recovery?


  1. the only people opposing a real reform bill are a pitifully small number of executives in the insurance industry who stand to lose the chance for a fifth summer house if this thing passes

    And Megan, who worries about Health Care Theater and clinical drug studies (which the NIH supposedly never bother with).

  2. Too early to surrender.

    When they get away from DC is the time to really pound Congress. FDL (Which had 2 posts today about McMegan & breast cancer) seems to be the center of some serious agitating.

    I know my reps are going to get an earful, even though Capuano, Kennedy, & Kerry are the last ones who need it.

  3. Yeah, but we're not even talking about national health at this point, just insurance, and I suspect that the big money will win out, as it almost always does.
