Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Will We Fight Now?

Some news about the lynched census taker has surfaced.

A part-time census worker found hanging in a rural Kentucky cemetery was naked, gagged and had his hands and feet bound with duct tape, said an Ohio man who discovered the body two weeks ago.

Authorities have also said the word "fed" was scrawled with a felt-tip pen across 51-year-old Bill Sparkman's chest, but they have released very few details about the case and said investigators have not determined if it was a homicide, suicide or an accident.
Someone at the scene said his census ID was duct-taped to his body.

When an authority gives permission to attack, there are consequences.

Earlier this summer, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) waged a high-profile, wildly-dishonest campaign against the Census. The Minnesota congresswoman said she was so worried about the threat of the government asking “very intricate questions” and collecting information that she would illegally refuse to fill out the form. “They will be in charge of going door to door and collecting data from the American public,” she said. “This is very concerning.” She repeatedly used inflammatory and fear-mongering rhetoric against the Census:

– “I think there is a point when you say enough is enough to government intrusion.” [6/25/09]

– “If we look at American history, between 1942 and 1947, the data that was collected by the census bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations, at the request of President Roosevelt, and that’s how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps.” [6/25/09]

“You will receive approximately six contacts from them [Census workers], either through phone calls or they will knock on your door. If you still do not give them the information, they said they’ll contact your neighbor to the left of you, to the right of you to get information.” [6/25/09]
Bachmann’s irrational diatribes about scary stalking Census workers quickly spawned a right-wing movement. During an interview with Bachmann, Fox News’ Glenn Beck said, “Ok, so let me talk about the Census because there’s a lot of people that are concerned with it because they don’t want to fill it out, they’re not comfortable with ACORN members coming to find out all this information, they don’t want to give the government all this kind of information.”
Apparently Bachmann is mostly funded through the far right.

Michele Bachmann (R)
Contributor Total

Club for Growth $92,630
Susan B Anthony List $15,201
TCF Financial $14,600
Verizon Communications $11,000
ACA International $10,000
American Crystal Sugar $10,000
Associated Builders & Contractors $10,000
Campaign for Working Families $10,000
Cmte for the Preservation of Capitalism $10,000
Credit Union National Assn $10,000
Eagle Forum $10,000
Every Republican is Crucial PAC $10,000
Freedom Club of America $10,000
Help America's Leaders $10,000
House Conservatives Fund $10,000
Keep Our Majority PAC $10,000
Koch Industries $10,000
Longhorn PAC $10,000
Majority Initiative-Keep Electing Repubs $10,000
National Assn of Home Builders $10,000
National Auto Dealers Assn $10,000
National Beer Wholesalers Assn $10,000
National Fedn of Independent Business $10,000
Northstar Leadership PAC $10,000
People for Enterprise/Trade/Econ Growth $10,000
Texas Freedom Fund $10,000
Together for Our Majority $10,000
United Parcel Service $10,000

Koch. What a surprise. No Tea-bagger Left Behind, I guess.


  1. How are your decendents supposed to do geneology if you don't answer the census questions fully?

  2. "investigators have not determined if it was a homicide, suicide or an accident"

    Yes, some suicides bring an accomplice along to speed things up once their hands and feet have been duct taped. Or someone could have come upon the accident scene with tape, a marker, and a nasty sense of humor.

  3. It was one of those all-too-common tragic duct tape accidents, where a man gets tangled in duct tape so that it wraps around his ankles and hands, shoves a rag down his throat, and attaches itself to a felt pen, accidently writing FED on the man's chest.

  4. So odd that Bachmann, Limpball, Beck & their cohorts are never even injured by the people they so violently fear and loath.

    When was the last time a Conservative was kil- -uh, I mean committed suicide or just got in a fight with a tree or steam-roller?

  5. The right can find a few victims, one guy missing part of a finger, another killed by a guy on a killing spree because he annoyed the killer by waving around anti-abortion pictures at a school.

    So I guess that makes us even.

    I'll bet Beck et al have bodyguards.
