Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Monday, December 28, 2009

It's All About Me

Shorter Scarlet O'McArdle: Sending poor men and women off to die in an illegal and immoral war to maintain one's illusion of safety is fine. Having to put up with annoying security measures when flying is outrageous.


  1. Yup.

    W/in the last hr. it occurred to me that it's all security theater.

    Though I suspect that McA. firmly believes that war is a serious, grown-up & absolutely necessary thing, & so can't recognize that she's been conned.

  2. Sending poor men and women off to die in an illegal and immoral war to maintain one's illusion of safety is fine.

    Alas, you need to be more specific. Which foolish land war in Asia are you talking about?

  3. She's whining about security again today, in the form of a quote from some guy who thinks he's funny but isn't. Poor Megan. The next time she's wisping off to Aspen to find out what corporations she's supposed to shill for, she won't be able to use her Kindle for a whole hour. It's the stuff of mournful ballads.
