Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


God, I love K-Lo's twitter. The only thing better than the high school essays she publishes is her unvarnished trivial thoughts.

i have tiny url issues. that vatican social-media link again:...
32 minutes ago from HootSuite

You just know she begged for nun and priest puppets as a child.


  1. The thing that kills me about her Twitter is that, for someone who is supposed to be a write, her grammar is shockingly awful.

  2. I'd blame her schools, but when I went to a Catholic school for a little while they taught us to turn in papers without mistakes.

    About the only thing she can do is knee-jerk moralizing.

  3. Ugh. "someone who is supposed to be a writeR." I should be more careful when I'm criticizing bad grammar.

  4. Heh, that's why I seldom criticize McArdle's technical mistakes. I make too many myself.

    I still can't believe some of her mistakes, though. I just ignore them all when I use spellcheck on my posts.

  5. Pope Bandar bin TurtleFebruary 3, 2010 at 7:40 PM

    i have tiny url issues

    (1) I didn't know women (sic) also gave their genitals names.

    (2) She keeps using that word. I do not think it means what she thinks it means!

    (3) Also!!
