Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Friday, February 19, 2010


Kathryn Jean Lopez bemoans our celebrity culture.

I can't really imagine what tiger woods has to tell the world tomorrow.
about 15 hours ago from UberTwitter

It's all so distasteful.

i really feel like i don't need to be watching this woods press conference.
about 2 hours ago from web

Liberal culture is so decadent. Conservatives prefer wholesome entertainment.

"Please leave my wife and kids alone." Without taking responsibility off himself, media becomes a shameful enemy too.
about 2 hours ago from UberTwitter

The media should be ashamed for avidly following this immoral farce.


  1. Self-parody or no self-awareness?

    Floor Wax or Desert Topping?

  2. Don't you think you need to rename this blog "the shooting of the snark in a barrel?" Klo is really making all this too easy.


  3. Heh, K-Lo is truly oblivious.

    And I didn't even post her worst stuff--

    Romney pounds hand on podium indefiance. This is the romney people wanted to see in the fla. Primary.

    There are a lot of people speaking loudly in the back as romney speaks
    11:07 AM Feb 18th from web

    I tweet in the hopes of shaming them
    11:08 AM Feb 18th from web \

    Romney makes the first leg tingling joke
    10:46 AM Feb 18th from web

    There are twenty year old young men here with massive man crushes on scott brown

    10:36 AM Feb 18th from UberTwitter

    I was the opening act for dick cheney on the scott hennen show. (see corner in a moment for photo)
    10:13 AM Feb 18th from UberTwitter

    K-Lo and CPAC--natural bedfellows!

  4. Romney makes the first leg tingling joke
    10:46 AM Feb 18th from web

    This was not something I needed to ever, ever read.

  5. All these leg-tingling comments. The only time my leg tingles is if the sciatic nerve is pinched, and it hurts.

  6. "There are a lot of people speaking loudly in the back as romney speaks"

    C +. Next time try not to repeat a word in a single 14-word sentence. You might try "There are a lot of people speaking loudly in the back as romney orates."

  7. K-Lo probably thinks "orates" sounds too dirty.

  8. Well, Susan, she's not above telling us about her leg tingles.

    I'm starting to wonder if it's her middle leg.
