Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Saturday, June 12, 2010


A little hint to someone who shall remain unnamed out of pity: Dude. Get off the computer. It's not like she's low maintenance. This is one of those times to devote your attention to someone besides yourself.

God. Libertarians!


  1. It's not like she's low maintenance.

    Hmmm...maybe she is (in this regard, anyway). I find it entirely possible/reasonable that by this time tomorrow, they'll both feel that they've gotten everything out of this that they wanted (or that there is to get).

    You know...libertarians.

  2. I find it entirely possible/reasonable that by this time tomorrow, they'll both feel that they've gotten everything out of this that they wanted (or that there is to get).

    Yep - tax status of fringe benefits has already changed as of Saturday.

  3. From the NYT style section:

    "The bride, 37..."
    "The bridegroom, 28..."

    How did we miss that?

  4. I'm sure the age difference won't matter. They're glibertarian, they're all eternally 17 anyway.
