Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Friday, July 30, 2010

And Now A Brief Message From Our Sponsor

And so it begins.

Mrs. Peter Suderman writes an article that, in its carefully mendacious way, attempts to minimize concern about global climate change. Mr. Peter Suderman writes for Reason magazine. Reason is funded by the Reason Foundation. The president of the foundation is David Nott, a former petroleum engineer for Shell. It is or was funded by such organizations as the Claude R. Lambe Foundation (Koch oil and gas, refining, funds Cato, Heritage, CEI, Freedomworks, Mr. McArdle's ex-employer, and many others), the Serle Family Trust (pharmacuticals, donates to biomedical research), Castle Rock Foundation (Coors, also funds Heritage Foundation), Sarah Scaife Foundation (Gulf Oil, also funds AEI, Heritage, Cato and Hoover Institution), and Roe Foundation (building supply, deeply involved in Heritage Foundation, also funds Freedomworks, Cato, Family Research Council). Other funding came from Exxon and tobacco companies.

No doubt Megan McArdle is perfectly sincere in her beliefs regarding climate change. We all know that she would never form her opinions without factual support or understanding of the underlying science. But the actual content of her post will have to wait until we have more time--unless someone beats us to it first.

ADDED: In the comments, McArdle patiently explains the science to scientists who misunderstand her because "people stop reading about halfway through, and start arguing with the opponent in their head." Also, McArdle tells us peak oil is moot since we have 150 years of oil left.


  1. We all know that she would never form her opinions without factual support or understanding of the underlying science.

    I see what you did there.

    I also see that she has nearly purged her commenter list of anybody but the yes-men. She's probably got 90% of the world's AGW deniers posting comments to her blog today.

  2. She's ranging the internets to silence her critics, but they just laugh harder.

    I think this demented post was just made to goad Levenson, since Fallows linked to him.

  3. If her colleagues are starting to get fed up with her, maybe the "Fire McArdle" movement may actually gain traction.

    Fallows has orders of magnitude more credibility than McMegan and is just one of a very few with integrity left at Atlantic.

  4. She's probably got 90% of the world's AGW deniers posting comments to her blog today.

    There's a Love Canal/acid rain/ozone hole denier, too!
