Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Job Hunt

Posting will be light today and tomorrow while I continue to look for work. If you would like to hire someone who is trustworthy, dependable, likes to work hard, and has a Texas teaching certificate, let me know. In the mean time, I will be trying to write cover letters that obscure the fact that I have worked from home doing teaching, writing, and office work for no pay for fifteen years.


  1. are you on unemployment? I understand that keeps many from working. Unfortunately I do not have any paying jobs available.

  2. Good luck. I hope you have better luck than I. Though the unemployment rate here is pretty low, there are still no jobs, no movement of people that might free up a job or two. Crazy times.


  3. I appreciate that Bill, and fortunately I have never had any unemployment insurance to seduce me away from working.

    Vicky, thanks. I think things are much the same here.

  4. Don't forget to use me as a reference.

    Or maybe not, come to think about it.

  5. Susan,
    Just wanted to drop by and wish you tons and tons of luck. I'm in the same boat--my oldest child is turning fourteen and I'm starting to think I desperately need and want a job but those last fourteen years are rather...uh...unaccounted for, at least as the world accounts for things. You are a hell of a writer, thinker, and researcher and any organization would be incredibly lucky to have you. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and, if I weren't a stone atheist, in my prayers, too.


  6. Sorry to hear it, and best of luck.

  7. Thanks for the good wishes. There are very few teaching jobs available--I knew I should have looked for work a couple of years ago, but I wanted to wait until the kids were out of elementary. Fortunately I don't have to hurry, but it would be nice to find something before fall.

  8. It is good to build your network. it is a good place to discover future careers, to explore new trends, and to learn about new opportunities.
