Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Friday, August 13, 2010

Less Fiduciary Megan:

Shorter Megan McArdle: Your 401(k) and IRA are toast.

Shorter Megan McArdle: I am maxing out my 401(k) and IRA.


  1. Welllll - in the retirement article she was pushing returns of 2-3% over inflation & suggesting higher savings rates, not lower. And retirement plans have advantages in tax, asset protection* & sometimes matching that make them fairly good options.

    So she may be wrong, and does arglebargle a few things in her personal plans, but isn't really being inconsistent to pile into the retirement savings.

    *e.g., if she files Chapter 7 or Suderman finds a hole in the pre-nup

  2. I think she was just gloom-and-dooming to advocate getting rid of social security.

    I wonder why she doesn't think inflation will be a problem in 5-10 years? I've been reading the opposite but don't know enough to argue the point.

  3. Don't EVER wonder why she thinks something.

    You know damn well that way likes madness.

  4. I expect she writes what she's told to write: disparage Social Security and praise IRAs and such, since banks get all the money instead of some Gov trust fund.
