Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Women Who Stare At Men Who Stare At Goats

Hello there, sailor!

Megan McArdle:
Whoever at Newsweek decided to shorten the entries on Kausfiles homepage to tiny excerpts: please, make it stop!
about 15 hours ago via TweetDeck

Yes, please, make it stop.


  1. I made the mistake of actually following that link and reading a few of her tweets. "We're out of diet coke, and suddenly I'm scrounging for half-drunk, warm bottles of Cherry Coke Zero at side of the bed." How come it's "diet coke," lower case, then "Cherry Coke Zero," upper case and how does a bottle of coke (or Coke) get "half-drunk"?

  2. Thought she moved in with her mom. Sounds like a terrible house guest to complain about running out of Coke after throwing empties on the bedroom floor.

  3. Oh, it gets better:

    Latest tweet: "I project that by the year 2018, 99% of economic journalism will consist of mindless trend extrapolation. By 2025, it will be 130%."

    She's a trendsetter in that respect


  4. THIS is "web 2.0"? Megan McCurdle bitching about soft drinks "at the side of the bed"?

    Come back, CompuServe. All is forgiven.

  5. "Tweg: there is a memoir about growing up in a working class Chicago neighborhood in the 50's, written by a social science prof. What is it?"
