Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Link Bait

Does The Atlantic think all women are scum? Instead of hiring a female economist it hired Megan McArdle, as if to prove the cliche that women can't do math. It paid that harpy Sandra Lo, who wrote about her messy and selfish personal life and now it has Elizabeth Wertzel, who seems to think that feminists must be narcissists to earn the title. (No links for them.)

Using unpleasant women who humiliate themselves in print as link bait might please the accountants and The Atlantic's  conservative readers but it doesn't improve the already damaged reputation of the magazine.


  1. Wasn't America's Worst Mother also at the Atlantic?

  2. I'm not sure, I do know she wrote for the Wall Street Journal. From the Student Free Press:

    Meghan Cox Gurdon is columnist and children’s book reviewer for the Wall Street Journal. She was formerly a columnist for the Washington Examiner and a foreign correspondent.

    Foreign correspondant my ass.

  3. More likely the Atlantic thinks most women are bimbo-brains: twits. And most men will feign respect for an "attractive" (arglebargle, coulter, etc.) woman's opinions and ideas, no matter how witless.

  4. As best I can tell, Wurtzel is a One Trick Pony who has done her stupid trick & will not be seen again.

    Please please please let me be right.

  5. I like Sandra Tsing Loh. I wouldn't call her a "harpy." We hear her here in LA doing 3 min. radio bits and I like her reading.

  6. I've only seen two articles of hers. In the first she described living in her car with her two little girls after she left her husband for another guy. In the second she complained about the expense of keeping her father alive and out of trouble. If she's not a harpy that makes the Atlantic even worse for printing something that was bound to make her look worse than she was!

  7. Like Mr. Wonderful I live in LA. Unlike Mr. Wonderful I loathe Sandra Tsing Loh. I change the station whenever I hear her smug voice begin one of her insufferable pieces of self-congratulatory gloating.

  8. With the Atlantic getting duller by the minute, I'm going back to hammering on administrative bloat at Universities. The Terry Sullivan foolishness, or at least lots of links to the mystery -

  9. Salon's going down the tubes. It was getting better for a while, what with Greenwald aka Glenzilla, but he published a column about a privacy-obsessed businessman (Metaluca?) who meddles in a big way in state & fed governments. "After that Salon the company “lost” its CEO and CFO recently. Chief technology officer, Cynthia Jeffers, was put in charge."

  10. Susan, I have read only the exact same two pieces by Sandra Tsing Loh and had the same reaction. I don't remember the details of the one about living in the car with her kids, but remember being appalled at the attitude she displayed about the kids - they were pains in the ass who didn't like living in a car and harshed Mom's mellow. It took hipster irony and approval seeking for her "edginess" way too far. Respect for her children, who presumably will be able to read some day, came in a distant second.
