Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Shorter Megan McArdle: We need to change our culture to pressure poor women to marry young, before they have illegitimate children. We also need to change our culture to pressure wealthier women to marry and reproduce when younger, so they will be able to reproduce as much as they want. I, however, married late and did not reproduce at all, which was the right choice for me.


  1. Weird article. Because it's amagazine piece, and subject to some quality standards, it keeps wandering off message to point out the obvious reality, e.g:

    Especially when, for the working classes, there’s no longer hope of an economically stable future to wait for before having children.

    But because it's Megan, never tries to address reality.

  2. The pours should marry to have stable lives but they can't have stable lives because they are too poor. So we should nag at them to get married- it's our Christian duty--instead of helping them find work.

    That article was all over the place. Rambling, poorly sourced, patronizing, and designed to appeal to the conservative love of pitting unemployed mothers against employed mothers.

  3. Pour me another drink, I can't take handle Meegan sober.

  4. I have a different suggestion: Megan go Saudi Arabia. See how she likes it.

  5. It's funny; she's not just a plutocrat and a shill for the aristocracy - she really is a social conservative, too (abortion, marriage, etc.). But because that's not cool, she lies about it (just as she does about everything else).

  6. It really is funny to see her try to tell people she is socially liberal while trying to convince them to agree with her conservative views. Since she has no idea of privacy and consent she fails miserably. Heh.

  7. Rich people always have a choice. Pretty much all her failures as an opinion maker boil down to her refusing to acknowledge that being rich is the only operator in that first sentence.

  8. The obvious solution--help people find jobs--doesn't occur to her. It must be killing her that everyone won't acknowledge her superiority.
