Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Thursday, July 31, 2014

How To Become Wealthy In One Easy Lesson

Shorter Megan McArdle: The key to savings is "self-control."

Shorter McMegan's commenters: The key to savings is not having children.

Another key to acquiring wealth is to make hundreds of thousands of dollars every year working for billionaires who need someone to remove those pesky regulations that keep them from polluting or killing people. McArdle forgets that one.


  1. My husband and I did as well as Megan and her guy did. Some of the keys to our success were unions, defined benefit pension plans from public sector jobs and reliable contraceptives.


  2. There are no children in Ayn Rand books; there is no place for the wee parasites in her philosophy.

  3. The very first step in becoming wealthy: choosing your parents wisely.

  4. Veteren's ("orphan") benefits and Social Security made me middle class. My father-in-law went to college on the G.I. bill and his kids became professionals too as a result.

    If we all chip in and help each other we don't need to win the birth lottery but the right does not want equality. (Which you guys already know.)

    People who were taught that self-esteem is just vanity have to find *some* way to feel special.

  5. LULZ: "I'm honestly astounded that someone who claims to be a financial journalist can't explain (or doesn't understand) the difference between debt and consumption."

  6. Of course the bonus of Meagan's point of view is that poverty is clearly a moral failing. $1000 food processors are a sign of disciplined spending!

  7. That's different. She *earned* that Thermomix.

  8. "Trickle down" has worked beautifully for Megan and her fellow lickspittles, hasn't it? I assume she believes if only everyone bowed down and worshipped at the Kock Shrine, we'd all be rich!
