Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Libertarianism And Responsibility: The Horror Unleashed

I was not going to read this post because I was afraid to see what Megan McArdle had to say about rape culture. But Charles Pierce was very amusing about the post and I was ashamed of my cowardice so I clicked.

Hello, Internet, it’s Megan McArdle again, with a friendly message about morality: You shouldn’t look at stolen nude photographs of celebrities.

McArdle is going to teach us morality. That should be horrific interesting.

Yes, yes, I know -- it’s not like your self-restraint will prevent millions of other people from gawking. But the people in the photographs didn’t take them for public consumption, and they’re very upset that you’re looking, and you shouldn’t do things that would make people upset if they knew. There are plenty of other nude photographs out there on the Internet, taken of people who were actually willing to have you gape at them in the buff. The right thing to do is to go stare at them instead. 

McArdle thinks you have to be told that looking at stolen private photos could hurt other people. 

And hello there, celebrities: If you really, really don’t want millions of strangers to see pictures of you in the altogether, then you should probably not take such photographs on electronic devices that are connected to the Internet. There are a lot of jerks out there, and there's a high risk that some of them are going to steal your photographs and share them with millions of rubberneckers.

Since McArdle knows that other people think victim-blaming is hurtful and unfair, she pretends she is not victim-blaming. She cleverly does this by saying she is not victim-blaming right after she blames the victims for not preventing their victimization, as Mr. Pierce notes.

Am I blaming the victim? Nope. People shouldn’t steal your private photos! Other people shouldn’t look at them! Also, people shouldn’t steal cars or mug strangers or be serial killers. But there are many dedicated jerks out there in this great, big world of ours, and you have to take steps that will reduce your vulnerability to those people. Not because we should have to, but because we do have to.

Wait a second. Megan McArdle said on Twitter that children should be able to walk and play around by themselves. Those kids are doing nothing to take responsibility for preventing their victimization. And she also said that young people should be trained to rush a gunman firing an automatic weapon on them, which would be taking individual responsibility for one's personal safety. But when her bikes were stolen, again and again and again, and again, she did not say the thefts were her own fault.

Well, my fourth bike was stolen this morning, out of our backyard, which has a seven foot stockade fence around it.  I have never managed to hold onto a bike more than six months in an urban environment--the previous two times, they left the bike lock, as if to taunt me with its inadequacy. I think I'm done with bike commuting.  I'd rather just hand out $100 bills to random people on the street; at least I wouldn't be rewarding theft.

It wasn't an expensive bike, either; it was the cheapest hybrid available in my size.  But the fact is, if you own a bike in this city, it will be stolen.  I'm willing to brave weather and entitled motorists.  But I'm sick of funding donations to the bike theft brigade.

Why didn't McArdle take steps to reduce her vulnerability to bike theft, the second, third and fourth time, if not the first? Why is everyone else but Megan McArdle at least partially responsible for what happens to them?

 It's so confusing. One might think that McArdle cares for nobody's problems but her own, and therefore does not want to lift one finger or spend one dime to help them.

The feminists who get angry when people point out the obvious risks of taking nude selfies on your phone or getting extremely intoxicated at a big party full of adolescent guys seem to be arguing that if the patriarchy went away, guys could all be culturally conditioned not to steal nude photographs or rape people, with the few sociopaths restrained by the much harsher penalties that would presumably be enacted once we end “rape culture” -- that there is some way, in other words, to make it perfectly safe for young women to get trashed at frat parties or take all the nude selfies their phones can hold.

When other people get drunk at a party and are raped it's partially their own fault. When Megan McArdle drinks underage and is arrested, does not send in her paperwork, has her license suspended, cannot register her new car years later, and cannot repair her car when her mom clips it, it's the fault of The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Just like it's the post office's fault when she can't mail late wedding invitations. McArdle truly believes that rules do not apply to her. She is special. Only her own emotions are real to her. As Dr. Haidt said, libertarians moralize their intellectual structure.

Now for the painless segue from idiotic bureaucratic snafu to moral:  this just goes to show why ironclad bureaucratic rules are such a bad idea.  The federal law is meant to protect dangerous drivers whose licenses have been suspended from getting a license in another state--an excellent program.  It is not, or so I mote, intended to allow the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to suspend my license for an underaged drinking conviction that took place 16 years ago.  Indeed, I don't think that even the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania law was intended to do something so moronic--it isn't as if I deliberately (or even accidentally) failed to comply; I simply didn't have a driver's license for them to confiscate.  Since I didn't get one until I was well over the legal drinking age, I'm pretty sure that a moment's consideration would lead any reasonable bureaucrat to dismiss this idiocy. 

But of course, we don't have reasonable bureaucrats.  We have rules.  Rules that Must Be Followed No Matter What.  Neither Pennsylvania nor DC can, apparently, do anything at all to prevent the Wheels of Justice from punishing me for a long-past transgression that did not even involve a motor vehicle.

Because McArdle thinks that she should not have to follow rules like everyone else, she finds a philosophy that tells her she is special and should not have to follow society's rules. We should all be responsible for ourselves and nobody else. Trying to help others fight crime to reduce victimization cannot work because libertarian ideology states helping others is paternalistic and erodes individual liberty. For libertarians there is no moral component to helping others so trying to reduce suffering is simply not an option.

McArdle tells us that people will commit crimes and get away with it no matter what we do, so why bother?

I’m not saying that culture doesn’t matter on the margin. Drunk girls were probably more vulnerable to rape in a culture that said “nice girls” don’t drink, and if they did, they were asking for it, so it was only natural for boys to take advantage of their condition.2 Someone who’s been sitting around with other guys telling each other that it’s OK to steal Jennifer Lawrence’s nude selfies because she’s a public figure and she shouldn’t take those kinds of pictures if she doesn’t want them out there is more likely to go ahead and do it than a guy whose peer group says that such a theft would be gross and wrong.

But there’s only so far culture can go. Criminals don’t steal because they think theft is OK; I’m told they get quite indignant if someone steals from them. Penny-stock con men are not one good ethics class short of a regular sales job. Serial killers did not miss the memo on how killing is wrong. Some people do things that they know are evil because they want to, and they think they can get away with it. It is not “victim blaming” to urge their targets to protect themselves from that threat. 
Of course, we should all work toward a world with less crime of all sorts. But we will not hasten that day by pretending that we’re already there.

Not that anyone is, but where would McArdle be without a strawman to cover up her utter lack of empathy? It is your responsibility to protect yourself from crime except when it isn't, or when you are Megan McArdle. It's the libertarian way.


  1. There's nobody else here
    No one like Meeee-gan
    She's special
    So special
    She's got to have all of your attention
    Give it to her

  2. I love myself, I want you to love me
    When I feel down, I want you to read me
    I search myself, I like to see me
    I praise myself, I want you to praise me

    I don't want anybody else
    When I think about me, I Google myself
    Ooh, I don't want anybody else
    Oh no, oh no, oh no

  3. Now the reason we're here
    As man and woman
    Is to love ourselves
    Take care of ourselves
    When money walks in the room
    Everybody stand up
    Oh it's good good good
    Like Brigitte Bardot!

  4. But seriously: Megan started as an "econo-blogger." She has an MBA. Her job was to explain economics to the educated general reader.

    But she quickly became corrupted. Her ego, greed, sense of entitlement, latent snobbishness, and supple willingness to be dishonest, led her to the employ of people who don't want "economics" explained to anyone. They want, and in her they have, a propagandist perfectly willing to say anything, regardless of how false or hypocritical, in their service.

    But I don't think she's aware of how dishonest or hypocritical she is. If she were--if she said out loud, "Yes, I'm a cunt who will say anything, because that's where the money is"--she'd be Ann Coulter. Instead, she's just needy and insecure.

    She's taken her success as a say-anything "libertarian" (which allows you to say anything, since its tenets are untestable in the real world) as a sign that anything she thinks is of interest. So she now fancies herself a political commentator, a moral philosopher, an instructor of cooking, and something of a cocktail wit in the Anglophile manner.

    Imagine what dinnertime chat with between her and Suderman must be like. You can't. Neither can I.

  5. I agree. She takes personal credit for everything good that has happened to her and thinks it is proof of her superiority, and that that innate superiority means she is good at everything.

    You're right, I could not imagine what those two would be like together. He is just as deluded as she and the clash of egos must be titan.

  6. Ok, so Megan is a self centered twit. But I find the hand wringing over the stolen photographs quite amusing.

    So, may pose nude on Playboy, may go full frontal nude on the next quentin tarantino movie. That can be seen by millions of faceless strangers and said would be A-OK with that, no issues. Because they paid $8.99 for the privilege.

    But if those same faceless strangers saw in the same nude pose from a stolen picture, why, that is an incredible invasion of privacy. yeah, the Playboy shoot was with 's consent. And that consent was given for the consideration for a certain sum of money paid to

    So I ask you - if everyone who saw the stolen pictures paid $1.99 of which a dollar went to , it should be OK. Right?

  7. Shorter faux outrage over stolen photos:

    It is amusing when people who make a living exposing themselves to a gawking public turn around and complain when the public gawks at them - without their consent!

  8. If you sell cars and someone stole one of your cars would you say eh, they were for sale anyway. The thief can give me some money if I find him.

    Also, some actors don't disrobe and even put that in their contracts. Sometimes a body double is used.

    And it's wrong. It's hurtful and we try not to hurt others, even rich and beautiful others we don't know.

  9. I do not think McArdle reads this blog, but there is a chance she is hurt by my work. I consider my work a fight against wrongdoing and accept responsibility for doing something potentially ego-bruising.

  10. umm... no. When you steal my car from the lot you deprive me of it. You do.

    When you see my picture without my consent when I am OK with you seeing that self-same picture (or something close) *with* my consent - what exactly are you depriving me of except payment for gawking at my likeness?

    I do find it amusing when consent is the only thing standing between the public and my picture when said consent is often given for payment in the form of tickets purchased.

  11. You answered your own question: payment. An actress who sells a moving or still image of her naked body has put a price on enjoying it. The viewer must pay for the privilege. If the viewer downloads the image for free he is still stealing, just as he is stealing when he downloads a new movie for free. Many people don't care about that theft so they don't care about the cloud theft.

    Most of the public disdain for such viewers was aimed at the images stolen from people who don't sell their image. They consider such things private, which means they and they alone will choose who sees them nude. Viewing a stolen private naked photo off of the clouds is exactly like looking at a photo stolen from a person's bedside table.

    But some people don't care about that either. Their desire to be intimate with that actress, even in such a tenuous and passive way, overcomes their morality.

  12. You'd think a libertarian would care about property rights.
