Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Well, If You Say So

Shorter Megan McArdle: Fear IPhone Hackers or the FBI? Two Views in One Chat: Loss of privacy is bad. Oh well, I guess we'll have to get used to it.


  1. At least it ended in cat photos.

  2. McArdle mentions that the Constitution isn't a suicide pact. Since guns are used in most suicides, and states with more strict gun laws have fewer suicides, you'd think she'd be in favor of stricter gun laws. But I bet you'd think wrong.


  3. That "Constitutional suicide pact" was such a non-sequitur comment anyway. The pet pictures at the end made more sense.

  4. This is just fabulous:

    Megan McArdle: I love democratic opposition to authoritarian regimes. ☺

    Coming from one who lives and breathes the power of authority - just her. type of authority.

  5. She loves knowing that we are the most powerful country on earth and can kill others at will. She thinks it'll last forever.
