Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Liar Shocked By Lies!

Trust me.

I've been writing about Megan McArdle for almost 10 years now. It's been a hard slog at times; McArdle has few ideas and it's very difficult to come up with new snark the 259th time I write about McArdle's healthcare lies. But incredulity keeps me coming back. How can she get away with lying so often about so much? The answer is self-evident: she's not paid to tell the truth, her readers don't want the truth, and McArdle wouldn't know the truth if it pulled up next to her in an Uber cab. But as many times as I tell myself that the reason is obvious, I still am flabbergasted every time.

One of the bennies of our truth-optional society is that Megan McArdle can write a long post criticizing Clinton for lying and nobody (nobody that counts) will point out her rampant hypocrisy. Isn't that nice for her? Billionaires pay her to be a hypocrite and liar AND she gets paid to scold other people for lying! Gross income inequality sure is great!
I checked in on the morning news on Sunday to find Fox News reporting that Hillary Clinton had been rushed away from the 9/11 memorial she was attending, and had appeared to faint as the Secret Service herded her into a waiting van. Her press pool was prevented from following. What followed was perhaps the most amazing spin cycle of my media career, unfolding in 140-character, exclamation-point-ridden indignation modules.
First the veracity of Fox was questioned, and its reporting compared to some of the conspiracy theories about Clinton’s health that have been circulating on the internet. Then video appeared, showing exactly what Fox’s source had said: she’s leaning on a concrete post for support, tries to get into the van, and then her knees buckle and she has to basically be lifted by the people around her. The Clinton campaign said that the candidate had “overheated” and was resting comfortably at her daughter’s apartment.
Take that, liberals! Fox wasn't lying, for once! Of course they tried to exaggerate Clinton's illness into anything that would prevent her from winning and make Trump president as well, but we aren't supposed to care about that.
Liberal New Yorkers rushed to paint the city as a sort of Death Valley of the East, its streets littered with the fallen bodies of those who had dared to step outside for more than a few minutes. Eventually someone on Team Clinton seemed to realize that the “overheated” story was making her sound like a frail old lady and we got a new story: Clinton had pneumonia.
I was on Twitter at that time as well. Everyone said it was hot outside. Not satisfied with exaggeration, McArdle moves quickly to speculation. The Clinton team must have panicked and "we got" a new story!
Now the spin began rotating fast enough to power a high-speed monorail.
I was curious enough to look this up, and I still have no idea what she's talking about. If she is referring to Maglev trains, apparently there is no spinning involved, just magnetic repulsion and a lot of stabilization.
There was no story here except the one about a brave politician who had disregarded personal sickness to pay tribute to the victims of the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Belonging to the party of Trump is killing her elitist soul.
Clinton had gone to work sick because “that’s what women do.”
McArdle tweeted that she and lots of people worked when sick. So there!
Anyone still talking about her health after this remarkable display of physical stamina was a scurrilous partisan and a bad journalist.
Poor, poor, victimized conservatives are just trying to elect a narcissist authoritarian and the mean Democrats are making fun of them!
UCLA sociologist Gabriel Rossman had the tweet that I think best captured the flavor of the exercise: “Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un shakes the world with the spirit of Juche by collapsing at a military parade.”
Yes, mindless support for a leader belongs to conservatives and liberals better remember that.
To state the obvious: Obviously Hillary Clinton’s health matters, and the public has a right to know whether she has the physical stamina to be president. Obviously Sunday's events are a real story, not only because of what happened, but because the Clinton team lied about it. If it didn’t matter, why did they lie, and hide it from her press pool?
That's a great question. Why did Megan McArdle lie about health care statistics? What did she get out of it? Money? Perks? Jobs? The thanks of a grateful Koch brother?
Perhaps less obvious, but also true: this whole cycle was straight out of the playbook that worked for Bill Clinton for many years. Hide, deny, lie, and when that lie breaks down, spin another while surrogates and supporters attack. That playbook lost its mojo on Jan. 19, 1998, when the Drudge Report broke the story of Monica Lewinsky's presidential trysts. It has been steadily getting less effective since that day. Unfortunately, the only person who doesn’t seem to realize that is Hillary Clinton.
Because McArdle is dishonest, she pretends that Clinton is secretive out of stupidity, instead of necessity. Clinton has been the target of the wingnut welfare system for most of her adult life and she has learned to be excessively cautious.
I will hardly be the first to observe that all of us, and especially famous people, now live in a digital panopticon, where at any moment our actions may be observed, videotaped, and uploaded to the internet. Nor that the web has democratized publishing, creating what law professor Glenn Reynolds has dubbed “an Army of Davids” willing and able to attack the powerful.
That same "army" mocked Clinton for pointing out it exists.
Nor that the amazing proliferation of data and records on the web has given those Davids an array of weapons far more powerful than a slingshot. Why has the news not yet reached Hillary Clinton?
If you collapse in public, and you are famous, the odds that this event has not been captured on someone’s cell phone are starting to approach zero. And the odds that this video will be seen by virtually every American are starting to approach 100 percent because there are no longer any gatekeepers to bully. Trying to control stories like the old Clinton spin machine did is like trying to fight World War II with tactical maneuvers that worked for Caesar’s legions.
Politicians control spin!  News at 11!
Nor is this the first time that Clinton has had this problem. She tried to keep her e-mails secret by building a private server that was eventually going to come to light.
So did everyone else, evidently.
When it was discovered, her early stories about it were nonsensical to anyone who knew anything about technology.
That is, people who are not McArdle.
They were bolstered by easily checkable statements that were at best half-truths and which were almost immediately exposed.
You know who else makes easily checkable statements that are at best half-truths and which are almost immediately exposed?
When she finally gave a press conference, she played dumb and evasive as the public’s trust in her plummeted. She then swung to a series of new statements which were progressively shown to be untrue.
This drip-drip-drip of revelations had been worse for her than if she’d been more forthcoming in the first place, because it turned a bad one-day story into a months-long Technicolor saga.
McArdle is lying by implication, pretending that the Wingnut Wurlitzer doesn't exist.
This problem could have been avoided if she had simply recognized that the old world was gone, and that the new one offered no safe hiding places. Just as she could have short-circuited Sunday's disaster by announcing, well before the ceremony, “Secretary Clinton has walking pneumonia, but it’s under control and she feels very strongly that she needs to be there to honor the victims of September 11.”
The right would have immediately called for her resignation. Which is exactly what happened.
If Gabriel Rossman perfectly summed up the spin cycle yesterday, David Axelrod perfectly summed up the problem beneath it: “Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. What's the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?”
Unfortunately, there’s now a possibility that even if such a cure is found, for Hillary Clinton, it will come too late.
Have I mentioned lately that Megan McArdle is a lying liar?


  1. Boy, the journalists are sure excited to be able to throw the word "lie" around. I seem to recall that word could not be uttered during a recent 8 year period of our history.

  2. That's right. They never said "lie." But Trump is different, so they can attack him without fear of reprisal. I wonder if everything will go back to "normal" after Trump loses.

  3. Just as she could have short-circuited Sunday's disaster by announcing, well before the ceremony, “Secretary Clinton has walking pneumonia, but it’s under control and she feels very strongly that she needs to be there to honor the victims of September 11.”

    If only Barack Obama would release his long-form birth certificate, it will never be an issue again.

    ...Strange, I don't know where that flashback came from.

  4. Now the spin began rotating fast enough to power a high-speed monorail.

    Well, I could interpret this as referring to a power plant generator providing the electricity for ... whatever, how about a monorail train? But that's because I'd probably use an expression like that. (Obviously, it would probably contain needless profanity, too.) On the other hand, McArdle used up her benefit-of-the-doubt points sometime during the Harding administration. So tie her to the monorail, er, rail, I say.

  5. Arglebargle is a hypocritical, smug propagandist, but what irritates One so badly is the fact that she is so dumb. Her rationalizations so dreary and lame, her arguments so vacant of information, ug! Makes me cray-cray (crazy).
    And then watching someone so useless and stupid preen herself on her wit and intelligence while cashing Koch checks. Ug, again. What a world!
