Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

An Economic Guru Shares Her Wisdom

Megan McArdle discusses the thoughts of Ann Althouse. I think that actions speaks for itself.

Megan McArdle speculates that that inactivity leads to weight gain. If Obama had recommended exercise McArdle would now be churning out a dozen paragraphs saying that while one might surmise intuitively that exercise leads to weight loss, one would be wrong because of revealed preference, and the literature is just too noisy to draw any hasty conclusions.


  1. Yes. Can we please have Mrs Obama come out for obesity? This is the only way the Megan's of the world will come out for exercise.


  2. Unfortunately Mrs. Obama already came out for fresh vegetables. I'm surprised our resident contrarian didn't immediately go out and shoot a cow.

  3. Aimai: Actually, I'm surprised, and a little disappointed that the Cons haven't begun nattering on about gummint byoorocrats measuring our body fat and shipping off the fatties in boxcars to state-run exercise boot camps.

  4. Wow. TBogg recently featured Ms. Althouse... As the Republicans said of discussing health care (which everyone knows is peachy-keen) - it's a trap.

    I used to say the Bush administration was the perfect storm of belligerent idiocy, but now...

    I guess "perfect storm of clueless idiocy" works better here.
