Atlas Shrugged: The Mocking

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A New Low

I scarcely know what to say about McArdle's latest, except that is a very typical of McArdle's ignorant pronunciations on things she knows nothing about, but imagines she understands because the subject matter tangentially and momentarily intersected with her life. McArdle discusses pedophilia and expresses sympathy for the "innate" urge and says we should gather around and praise the non-practicing pedophiles. I will not quote the post.

She understands nothing and says anything. She should be fired for this embarrassment, but she should have been fired for all the other embarrassments too.


  1. She knows nothing about this subject, obviously, and due to the sensitive nature of the subject her ignorant "musings" are deeply offensive. The praise from her commenters is enough to make me sick.


  2. Yes, the commenters all seem to fall into the belief that because Megan said it upthread it must make some kind of sense. Its like watching a game of moral thought by telephone. The first person up says "god says..." and the next fifty repeat this observation, with all the misshearings, errors, gross oversimplifications, and malapropisms that really stupid people might manage. All that's missing is the emily litella moment, at the end. "What's all this about Serbo-Crustacean terrorists? Never mind."


  3. So that's how we went from "turn the other cheek" to premptive war.

  4. Yes, turn the other cheek becomes "take it in the rear."


  5. Wow... Megan reads Dan Savage? She probably got him confused with Michael Savage...

  6. I thought the "Man of Bronze" was John Boehner.

  7. No, silly, he's Man Of Bone.

    Cheney's Man Of The Pharmacutical and Medical Innovation Industry.
