So nice to see you again, Mr. Goldberg.
Kathryn Jean Lopez is once again begging for money for National Review On-Line, as she is forced to do every year. We are not sure why she doesn't just pray for it and wait for God's Wells Fargo stagecoach to pull up to her door; perhaps God doesn't provide after all.
We’re having this fundraising drive now, because, frankly, we need the money. Most everyone reading this, I suspect, has had some hard financial times lately. And most of us haven’t been bailed out. Most everyone reading this reads National Review Online for more than this fundraising pitch. Maybe you’ve benefited from some information we’ve relayed. Maybe you’ve laughed at Jonah Goldberg’s jokes. Maybe you’ve campaigned for more Star Trek references. Maybe you’ve been bucked up by Victor Davis Hanson’s perspective in election after election now. Maybe you’ve been inspired to get involved in a campaign. Maybe you’ve felt part of a team, or even a family. Maybe for this, or other reasons, you’ll consider contributing to our Fall 2010 fundraising drive..
I know that many of you were generous to campaigns this season. I know that the holidays are coming up. But please know that National Review Online will be working. The staff here and writers — many of whom write for nothing, or next to — will be at it, as ever. Working to counter the conventional wisdom. Working to highlight good people and encourage them. You deserve the best in analysis and news and reporting. We’d like to be able to bring it all to your computers and mobile devices at www.nationalreview.com
Someone should tell Jonah Goldberg that he's working for peanuts. He grew up in and now lives in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. And how he does love his vacations.
Hey. I went to Europe more than a few times as a teenager, most on family vacations. My Dad — a language buff — really wanted me to learn French or Italian. It didn’t happen.
What a surprise. And how nice that rich boy Jonah got to travel a lot. It seems he still does.
The Goldbergs are contemplating a mini-vacation from our vacation, perhaps driving down to Northern California (stopping with relatives in Oregon). Personally, I’d love to go to San Francisco, Sonoma and all that but that looks to be too ambitious. Mendocino looks more doable, but we know very little about it. Any suggestions welcome for hotels (parameters: needs to be only a few days drive at most from Seattle, we’ve already visited Victoria, can’t be too high-end since we’ll have a four year-old (though probably not Coz) and can’t be too low-end because my wife has standards that preclude words like “Super” and “Motel” in the title), scenic spots, restaurants (see hotel parameters) etc.
The missus and I are going to London the week after next on a mixture of business and vacation. Anybody have really good restaurant suggestions? We've been to London before -- it's even where I asked the Fair Jessica to stoop to marrying me -- but we always feel like we're missing gastronomic opportunities.
GOSH, I MISS YOU GUYS [Jonah Goldberg]
As you can probably tell, I''ve basically taken this week as a vacation (don't tell Rich). Anyway, we leave Saturday for the Canadian rockies and points South and South East. I should be posting a lot more frequently then.
Donate now so that Goldberg and his family can spend Thanksgiving in France. Again.
Maybe you’ve laughed at Jonah Goldberg’s jokes.
Maybe you’ve laughed at Jonah Goldberg.
I see that she states "we have a comprehensive health care plan to repeal".
Perhaps they should start with repealing NR Online staffers health plan. Get your fiscal house in order lady!
Okay, I understand why PBS has fundraisers - ideally they're a community funded operation, used mainly by liberals who believe in such things.
I have never - never - been able to understand why NRO has fundraisers. Don't they believe in the Free Market? If their product was worth money, shouldn't people be paying for it? Why not let the market do its work? Why bleg for money? Charge what the market will bear and if what the market is willing to pay isn't enough to keep your business in operation go do something else.
I mean in the grand scheme of things it is probably the most minor of National Review's hypocrisies, but damn if cheerleaders for deregulated free markets can't make the free market system work for them why should anyone else listen to anything they have to say about anything?
Obviously, their plan would have worked, if not for all those meddling liberals.
Jonah Goldberg in Mendocino County. I cannot stop laughing.
Maybe he went for the meth?
Or the pot. I can see him going to a beatiful place like that, nestled among majestic redwoods, only to miss all the charm and come home to complain about all the dirty hiipies, no matter how friendly they treated him.
Don't you think a period of austerity would be beneficial for them? You know, they could become lean, mean, and flexible. Really, they need to stop begging and embrace reduced circumstances.
They want to raise "taxes" yet they don't say anything about spending. If they can't live within their means like the American family is supposed to, why won't they cut expenses?
I love this!
The Laffer curve clearly shows that they should reduce the price of their newsstand issue, thus driving up total magazine revenues.
Jonah, driving from Washington-to-San Francisco would probably state with the authority of someone who has been there that the Northwest's forests are not being destroyed or even diminishing in size due to clear-cutting, that all Redwoods look alike, and since it was chilly and drizzly the whole trip, global warming is a LIE, also.
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